Thursday, June 19, 2014

How the Internet Can Help Grow Your Network Marketing Business

Are you ready to tap into the power of an Online Business?
Want to take your Direct Sales business further by using this powerful tool called the Internet?

Success in network marketing happens when target markets and opportunity come together. The target market would be someone who is actually interested and looking for a business opportunity. We know that the internet is the greatest “self help” tool out there, so it makes sense that people looking for a home based business; a network marketing opportunity; or even products distributed by network marketers would turn to the internet as a resource to find answers.

Imagine if you could learn and develop a method of having people find you, who are already looking for what you offer. How different might your business be? Imagine if this were to take place while you are sleeping; golfing; boating; or doing anything but sitting at your computer, working on your business.
How would that change things?

Statistics in network marketing show that the top income earners are the ones who are presenting their opportunity three to six times per day. Most people who start in network marketing are part time, already working a full time job.
How would one possibly have time for anything but work and building a second business?
With the internet, you can have your business presented to three to six people at one time, or even hundreds. And, you don’t have to be physically present to do it!

So, how do you do this, you may be asking. It starts with your personal website or BLOG; a defined target market: a follow up system to capture leads; and your marketing funnels and efforts that you build online.
It takes time; it takes commitment and it takes a solid investment in yourself and the process of learning the skills to master the Internet. After all, when you think about it, the Internet is just one big party. You want to party with those who are your target audience; develop a relationship and watch your business begin to grow as those who are interested raise their hand. Avoid falling into the trap of buying every program promising you riches through some new hot shot tool. It requires old fashioned “elbow grease” and action.

It can be done, but guess what? It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen!
People are doing it every day. Why not you?

Can we go back to the beach?

Alright,  so we took a much needed and eagerly awaited beach bum trip a few weeks ago.  This also happened to be the the first time any of my girls have been to the beach. (Let's just say my ex wasn't big on traveling.) So this was a big moment for me as a mother.

We had kept everything a secret.  We stayed up and didn't sleep the day before we left because we headed out at 2 am. Had girls in comfortable clothes and grabbed the pillows and we hit the early morning road.

So fast forward a bit. We are 45 minutes from the beach (after hours now of where are we, where are we going) and stop for some fast greasy breakfast, in the restroom (with my oldest daughter) a small chat starts between me and nice lady. However she happened to spill the beans about the beach! At that one moment the 2 months of secrets and not talking about it came crashing down. My heart suddenly plummeted with annoyance, but I could not let that show.  She didn't know it was secret;  just a life moment that happened to be frustrating.  Now during all my emotions my daughters face lights up, her eyes glisten,  her mouth turns up such a smile I can almost see the inside of her cheeks - and she turns to me and asks it that true and I say yes. Then it was on!

The vacation was a blast. Everyone had an amazing time and we all have memories that will stay with us. The first wave wipe outs they ever experienced,  priceless.  The shock of water actually knocking them down (now no one was hurt just wet and once a little mad). This was definitely a winner of a vacation and made some fantastic memories that will last a lifetime.

The woods! Our Playground.

We love taking a moment that can seem mundane and making them I to an adventure.  Of course it isn't always possible but every once in a while the door appears.  We ventured out for a family walk. One of our very few walks we didn't bring Hardi on (to hot for his furry 110+ pound body). We decided our local State Park was nice, it is our usual spot for a casual walk.
We brought the stroller and water; then all we had to contend with was the heat. Luckily this is a nicely shaded area. We lasted around a mile before we were all ready for some cool air and food. Along the way the imagination unfolds, technology is lost. They have to use their beautiful little brains to play and invent a story.
As a child I remember this. Dirt, sticks, rocks... all possible toys, and props for "my" story. I want my kids to have this, to experience it. Yes, I have a smart phone, computer, and television. But even I need a moment without them. Our daily walks will be something I will treasure and continue to add here and there. I love the memories, and the stories I will be able to recall when the next generation is here.
Everyday is an adventure so don't waste it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Getting to the Heart of Your WHY in Your Business

Have you ever heard the old adage that unless you know the “why” for doing a business of your own, then you probably won’t do the “how?”  

In other words, when you are clear on the “why”, the “how” becomes clear; and you will be much more compelled to take the action steps needed to be a success.
But how many of us really have taken the time to do some goal setting and write down that why?
Most likely, one of the first “homework assignments” you received in your “48 hour” training was to write down your goals, right? Did you do it?

Here are some stats, where do you fall?
It’s been researched and determined that only 3% of all people write down their goals and this 3% is more successful than those who don’t. You might be aware of the study done on a Harvard University class which found that only 3% of that class had written down their goals for the future.
Twenty years later that 3% controlled over 97% of the entire wealth earned by the surviving members of that class!
So, if you understand that this is an important step to your success, why haven’t you done it?
Have you been too focused on the “how” first?
Without the “why” being crystal clear, success with the rest will allude you.

Here is some insight into developing your why –

As a mom of 3, I want a better life for my family and myself.
You may want extra money each month, or to save for a car.
You may want to replace your current job due to lay offs or you are tired of the grind.
Perhaps, you need to save for a vacation, or college fund?
Maybe you just want to have fun, do something new, and be a successful business owner. 

Whatever your why write down, share it, own it!
I knew my why, my 3 kids. I want time with them, I want a better and brighter future.

I would love to hear your “Why” – won’t you share it below? And, if you want to get some conversation going, go to and let’s bring some friends into the discussion.
Thanks for playing along!
EXPECT Success

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Necklace anyone?

So Beautiful.
And you can Get it FREE with an Online or Facebook Party!
It's so easy and simple.
Plus fun!

Who Is The Real Plundering Housewife?

I am a Housewife.... And Mom.
I do laundry, dishes, cook, clean my floors, and at the end of the day have food on me I know I haven't eaten. Having 3 kids is no easy feat, it is work in and of itself. Rewarding, but it does have challenges and unglamorous moments. But that doesn't mean we can't still have fun be fabulous at the same time. I am raising headstrong, independent women. I know that the world is no easy place so I all I can do is prepare them and love them until they face it for themselves.  Which, luckily, I still have time before they do.

So Plundering, what does that mean?
Well, I wear Plunder. It is New it is Adorable and it has so quickly changed my life and my family.
I have been working at home for almost 6 years and it has had its ups and downs. Nothing worth having comes easy right? Of course not. So I lived and learned and worked my way through. After soul searching I left my last company to start a new venture with a New (also known as ground floor) company that currently has just over 100 Consultants; and I am one of them.
It has completely been amazing, a blessing, and fun! I actually have fun I love what I do and I know that people can see that. I know I am helping someone in one way or another, either as a customer or having a someone new join the Plunder Family. 
If you are interested or want to know more please do that the step in looking at my website.

At the end of the day I am a mom, I am a housewife, and I love to Plunder.
I will be doing giveaways, and there will be much more to come.
New but nevertheless, here and ready.
Life is to short to wish it away.

Home Improvement Lesson

Well we all have to learn somewhere. 
Having three daughters,  I want them to be able to walk into a store and at least have an idea of what they need.
I am by no means a tool or building expert, but I actually did work in contracting for about a year not to long ago. I learned a lot and I loved finishing my projects.

So, here we go small baby steps but still learning.  Every moment can be a learning opportunity for you and your children. I know that going into a store with children can be difficult if one of the fun buggies is not available. But if you can entertain their minds with what you're looking for or looking at it does make the trip easier or at least with my it does. 

Happy shopping everyone!