Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Who Is The Real Plundering Housewife?

I am a Housewife.... And Mom.
I do laundry, dishes, cook, clean my floors, and at the end of the day have food on me I know I haven't eaten. Having 3 kids is no easy feat, it is work in and of itself. Rewarding, but it does have challenges and unglamorous moments. But that doesn't mean we can't still have fun be fabulous at the same time. I am raising headstrong, independent women. I know that the world is no easy place so I all I can do is prepare them and love them until they face it for themselves.  Which, luckily, I still have time before they do.

So Plundering, what does that mean?
Well, I wear Plunder. It is New it is Adorable and it has so quickly changed my life and my family.
I have been working at home for almost 6 years and it has had its ups and downs. Nothing worth having comes easy right? Of course not. So I lived and learned and worked my way through. After soul searching I left my last company to start a new venture with a New (also known as ground floor) company that currently has just over 100 Consultants; and I am one of them.
It has completely been amazing, a blessing, and fun! I actually have fun I love what I do and I know that people can see that. I know I am helping someone in one way or another, either as a customer or having a someone new join the Plunder Family. 
If you are interested or want to know more please do that the step in looking at my website.

At the end of the day I am a mom, I am a housewife, and I love to Plunder.
I will be doing giveaways, and there will be much more to come.
New but nevertheless, here and ready.
Life is to short to wish it away.

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